Meeting Time: October 09, 2023 at 7:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

7.1) Discussion of staff's response to the Municipal Services Review Survey administered by the Alameda County Local Agency Formation Commission including a proposed amendment to Livermore's Sphere of Influence; and direction on conducting a citywide poll to reaffirm Livermore's interests to preserve open space and scenic corridor above highway 580.

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    Alan Marling over 1 year ago

    Any survey sent to city residents should represent solar farms as a preferred use for agricultural lands. Agrivoltaics is the synergistic combination of solar panels with agriculture. Livestock can help keep the ground beneath panels clear of overgrowth. Panels can reduce soil temperature, reducing water use for crops. Further, green growth beneath panels can reduce their temperature and increase energy yields. Finding which crops and which solar configuration work best together is an exciting field of study. For an introduction on the subject you can read the 2023 paper titled, “Potential of agrivoltaics systems into olive groves in the Mediterranean region”.
    Pastoral scenes of farmland and grazing animals is pleasing to the eye, traditionally. Seeing solar panels harvesting clean energy for a sustainable future will also bring serenity and relief to those having to live through the climate crisis.
    - Alan, Livermore Resident