Meeting Time: November 12, 2024 at 7:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

3.1) Hearing to consider a proposed Vesting Tentative Tract Map and Site Plan Design Review for a 44-unit single-family residential subdivision (Garaventa Hills), consisting of 38 single-family detached units and 6 duet/couplet units and an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). 

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    michelle mitchell 2 months ago

    The City changed the zoning for Lassen Road Townhome Project (LRTP) (GPA 18-003, Resolution No. 19-20). We would like to ask that the City utilize this same method to rezone the Garaventa Hill Project site from housing to open space. Cost has been brought up as an issue. Why did the City decide the cost was not an issue for the LRTP project?

    The current EIR is over 10 years old. A new EIR is needed.
    What is the affect of building a large subdivision so close to the Garaventa Wetlands?
    How will these homeowners qualify for fire insurance?
    City owned property behind the homes on Bear Creek and Knoll Ct was meant as a buffer/open space, not public trails. This will drastically infringe on the privacy of many of the neighborhood homes.
    If the ultimate outcome is to proceed with the Project, the following needs to be considered:
    Limit trees and vegetation to natives
    Speed bumps on and additional stop signs on Bear Creek
    Re-visit Hawk Road or road from Vasco as entrances to Project