5.18) Resolution establishing fees for a concealed carry weapons (CCW) permit and appropriating $15,000 of the fee revenue to cover the costs to implement the CCW permit program.
White-hat cowboys would never carry a concealed weapon. That’s something I would expect more from a black-hat villain. Even if the motive were purely self defense, nowadays we have more practical options that are less lethal. And no, carrying around guns won’t help white hats protect good people from bad actors; not even armed guards or police have been able to stop school shooters. For that we need healthier environments, more counseling, and fewer automatic rifles.
The weapon itself causes violence. Its presence brings to mind violent solutions to problems that could be solved peaceably. Weapons escalate. They lead to bloody accidents that cannot be reversed.
Unfortunately, the corrupt SCOTUS cares more about the bottom line of gun-selling corporations than the lives of Americans. I understand those Supreme Injustices have made it difficult for Livermore to protect its citizens from senseless gun violence, but I urge the council to do all it can.
White-hat cowboys would never carry a concealed weapon. That’s something I would expect more from a black-hat villain. Even if the motive were purely self defense, nowadays we have more practical options that are less lethal. And no, carrying around guns won’t help white hats protect good people from bad actors; not even armed guards or police have been able to stop school shooters. For that we need healthier environments, more counseling, and fewer automatic rifles.
The weapon itself causes violence. Its presence brings to mind violent solutions to problems that could be solved peaceably. Weapons escalate. They lead to bloody accidents that cannot be reversed.
Unfortunately, the corrupt SCOTUS cares more about the bottom line of gun-selling corporations than the lives of Americans. I understand those Supreme Injustices have made it difficult for Livermore to protect its citizens from senseless gun violence, but I urge the council to do all it can.