Meeting Time: July 10, 2023 at 7:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

7.3) Item continued from the June 26, 2023 City Council Meeting for further City Council deliberation. City Council Meeting Rule of Procedure 8.7.3. Discussion and recommended approval of the Airport Leasing and Development Policy.

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    Trish Fuzesy over 1 year ago

    I share the frustration shared by others about how public comments to this policy were ignored and dismissed by airport staff. Many people made the same suggestions as made by Pleasanton leadership, but these same suggestions from the public were dismissed with “Comment noted. No specific alternative language or deletions provided.”

    This is a dramatic example of how the public voice is being ignored.

    Public participation is missing in development planning until too late in the process. The public is kept in the dark and will not learn of any new development plans until a MOU is presented to the Livermore City Council for approval. There is no requirement for public notice or participation until a plan is largely a done deal.

    Airport noise and safety concerns are regional issues. Why is airport development planning being done behind closed doors and kept secret from the nearly 250,000 residents living in the TriValley?

    Public participation must be added earlier in the process.

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    Jonathan Krueger over 1 year ago

    The July revision of the Airport Development Policy is substantially stronger. Thank you!

    Now: there's a myth that only FAA can act on airport noise. Fact:
    airports can do more, cities can do more. You just proved that:
    you put action on noise into the development policy, and you didn't
    need FAA permission. And you can make it stronger. E.g. section 1.2:

    "Encourage development . . . to occur in response to existing aviation demand"

    "Encourage development consistent with Resolution 2010-058"

    You don't have just encourage. You can say:

    "Development is to occur in response to existing aviation demand"

    "Development will be consistent with Resolution 2010-058"

    You don't need FAA permission. You have the power.

    Why should you make this change?

    1. It conforms to City Policy

    2. It protects residents

    3. It protects YOU. When disputes arise, you will be in the middle,
    and every vague wording will cause you pain.

    "Encourage" is vague and weak. I urge to to make it clear and strong.