Meeting Time: May 24, 2021 at 7:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

5.2) Hearing to consider a request for Downtown Design Review and Vesting Tentative Parcel Map to develop the western portion of the Downtown Core site (formerly Livermore Village) with the affordable housing component of the Downtown Plan approved by the City Council on January 29, 2018, and a First Amendment to Disposition, Development and Loan Agreement (DDLA) with Eden Housing, Inc. 

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    Jean Braun over 3 years ago

    I am in favor of proceeding with the affordable housing as planned. The property was purchased with funds having a stipulation of affordable housing being built. We are in the Stockmen's debt for swapping out property so we could have a park in this location. Genius! We DON'T need a bigger park. We critically need affordable housing. It is the right thing to do.

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    Julie OBrien over 3 years ago

    My name is Julie O’Brien and my family and I have lived in Livermore for more than 30 years.  As they were growing up here, my children have been taught by many outstanding teachers in the LVJUSD, coached by wonderful sports coaches and scout leaders, and mentored by dedicated youth volunteers. These people are the very essence of our Livermore community. It is important to us that Livermore remain a place where everyone who works in our city can afford to live and feel welcomed and respected as members of our community. The only way for this to continue into our future is if there is desirable, inclusive housing affordable to all in the heart of our city.

    I support the Eden Housing Project 

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    Kristine Kansa over 3 years ago

    My husband Ed and I support moving forward with the Eden Housing project now because Livermore needs affordable housing now. The Eden plan seems reasonable and quite attractive. It is too late to tinker with this project and where it might be located. Doing so would almost certainly require starting the process all over again and delay the project for years. Affordable housing is needed now and our local workforce deserves to see it built sooner rather than later. Let’s focus on all that is so positive about this project and get it done.

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    Clark Streeter over 3 years ago

    I think that the City Council should adopt the city's proposed plan for the development of the western portion of the Downtown Core.

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    Sandra Blue over 3 years ago

    It's time to move forward with this project.

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    Marc Ross over 3 years ago

    Item 5.02

    Public Comment from Marc Ross & Jillian Simon

    We wish to voice our full support for Eden Housing’s plan that is being discussed tonight. This comment mimics our comments from the one we submitted for the Planning Commission meeting. We own a unit in Station Square and within close proximity of this project. We believe that housing is a fundamental human right and that people of lower incomes deserve an affordable place to live within our downtown and close to public transportation options. It is our opinion that this plan should be approved by City Council tonight. Any further delays will threaten the project, the funding, and most importantly, those people who are in desperate need of affordable housing in Livermore. We look forward to one day soon welcoming our new neighbors.

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    Terry Land over 3 years ago

    i support having affordable housing in the downtown area. we owe it to the people who work in our community to have a place to live and provide them the opportunity to be part of the community. This plan has the added benefit of contributing the vibrancy of our downtown with more people to visit the shops and restaurants.
    the design plan for the Eden housing project is quite a large structure and i strongly encourage finding the largest trees and plant materials available to help soften the look.

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    Hank O_BRIEN over 3 years ago

    My name is Hank O’Brien and I have lived and worked in Livermore for more than 30 years.

    Our school teachers, our service workers, our next-generation residents, new hires in local businesses, and other essential workers all deserve a chance to find a place to call home. We have the opportunity to build such a place. The planned project is the decent and fair way ahead. Affordable housing in the heart of downtown shows the City of Livermore has real heart.

    I support the Eden Housing Project

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    Rachel Wysong over 3 years ago

    As a third generation Bay Area Resident, I have watched it become more and more difficult to find housing here with each subsequent generation. We need more affordable housing and I fully support the Eden Housing Project. Our essential workers deserve to live in the communities they work in, not be forced to commute for hours every day. More affordable housing now!

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    Natalie Self over 3 years ago

    Thank you to our City Council and supportive staff for all your efforts to continue to see our 2018 Council's decisions through, today. This is an important addition to our city that is so needed! All citizens want to live where they love, close to where their children go to school, close to public transportation and work. This development will improve the quality of life for many families that love and serve this town. As a Downtown resident for the past 7 years I can say we are used to construction, traffic, parking issues and the like. That is no reason to deter any support of this monumentally important upgrade to our town. I am in support of a town that wants to make sure to take care of our citizens in this basic way. As a Granddaughter who knows my Grandmother was grateful for the help she once qualified for way back when, I am humbled to be in a position to support this housing so another Grandmother can get the help their family needs, TODAY. -Natalie

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    Arwen Thiel over 3 years ago

    Hi, my name is Arwen Thiel and I am a Livermore resident of 8+ years.

    I support the Eden Housing project.

    The council's vote on this will reveal whether this city truly is a place of equity and inclusion. Statements are important, actions are crucial. We cannot have racial equity in our cities without affordable housing. If this council hopes to ensure racial equity and if this council wants to prove that its commitments are long-standing and truthful voting in support of the Eden Housing project is necessary.

    I won't be able to attend the City Council meeting live since I will be putting my two young children to bed around then. It's for them that I am voicing my support of the Eden Housing Project because I want them to grow up in a city that supports ALL of its residents, a city where commitments are upheld, and city where diversity is embraced and celebrated.

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    Victoria Butler over 3 years ago

    I grew up in Livermore, and now I'm back with my family, in large part to take advantage of the many parks, open space, and vibrant downtown. But I consider myself lucky. Livermore’s housing prices have both prevented people from moving here and priced out those who already live here. If we want Livermore to be a truly welcoming community, we must have living options for people of varied income levels. Eden Housing is a positive step.

    Too many of our city workers have to travel from out of town. If we can provide them with housing options that are close to where they work, it's a win-win-win: more (and happier) employees for local businesses, less traffic, and a growing downtown. I also appreciate the design of the plan, with plenty of park space to break up the buildings and give all residents places to rest and play alongside the other park-lets throughout downtown. The lot has sat empty for too long, and I'd like to see it benefit the larger Livermore community and economy. 

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    Stephanie Fish over 3 years ago

    I strongly support the city in moving forward with the Eden Housing development. As a long-time citizen of Livermore and General Manager of Swirl on the Square (Blacksmith Square), I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to complete the long-awaited development of the downtown core. The small (well-funded), vocal minority group that continues to attempt to throw roadblocks in this project are guilty of spreading misinformation and offering a so-called "alternative" plan that has no basis in reality. It is time for the commitment to our downtown businesses to create a beautiful downtown core to be realized. The proposed project is lovely, it fulfills our obligations to the state, and provides the much-needed affordable workforce housing. We deserve this as a community and it is time to get it done.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Stephanie Fish
    General Manager, Swirl on the Square
    Board Member, Livermore Shakespeare's Associates
    Board Member, Unitarian Universalist Church in Livermore

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    Paul Schimmelman over 3 years ago

    I strongly support seeking alternatives to placing the Eden Housing affordable/low cost housing development in the middle of down town. The center of town should be for all, not just a select few (whatever their income level may be). I also support the development of affordable housing in Livermore, just not right in the center of town. Further, I am quite frustrated with the position of our elected city council and mayor who seem to have a predetermined agenda and are pretty transparent about ignoring and demonizing anyone who may have a different perspective than theirs. These folks are elected by us and are supposed to represent the citizens of Livermore, but they seem to have decided that their viewpoints matter more than the citizens.

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    Alek Butler over 3 years ago

    First, the completed project will most definitely result in increased revenue in the downtown area. People are more likely to spend their money at restaurants and shops that are in close proximity to where they live. Furthermore, close proximity commerce will oftentimes encourage instances of splurge spending.

    Second, keeping money circulating and contained within a community increases micro-economic sustainability and self-sufficiency. There is a likely probability that some of the Eden Housing inhabitants will have jobs within the downtown Livermore area. That in return guarantees that money generated in Livermore stays in Livermore.

    Lastly, the proposal of a park instead of the Eden house is not economically beneficial. Construction and continual maintenance of this park will drain money from the city’s revenue, and the park will most likely not encourage greater patronage to the downtown area.

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    Erin Stanton over 3 years ago

    I am a Livermore resident, living close to downtown. I strongly support moving forward with the Eden housing project. Our community needs more affordable housing, especially for people with the lowest incomes who are being priced out of our community. Building affordable housing in downtown supports the vibrant, thriving downtown community that I love, enables people who work in Livermore to live in Livermore, and reduces traffic and congestion by putting housing near restaurants, stores, and transits. It's time for more affordable housing in Livermore. Let's move forward with the Eden housing project.

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    Lisa Holmes Elkihel over 3 years ago

    I have been a Livermore resident for 23 years & a single mother for 21 years. After losing my home in a divorce & being an ECE, teaching the young children of Livermore who have & will become our future, I have struggled with housing for 21 years. While I have thankfully kept a roof over our heads (while juggling other bills/needs), I have had to pay 1/2 my income (or more during times on FMLA) to do so. I've stayed in rentals for long periods due to wanting to provide a stable home & being unable to afford anything else. I had my last rental sold out from under me with little rental inventory options. I thought I was going to have to give up custody & live in my car. I barely made the income requirements to get into my current, well under market rental that I've been in for the last 6 years paying just under 1/2 my income. My rent goes up 10% every year, my income goes up under 1% to sometimes 2%. Affordable housing for all is a very real need despite my project concerns.

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    Maggie Rosendin over 3 years ago

    Over the course of this ongoing pandemic, we have hoisted essential workers onto a pedestal, and yet continue to deny them with the things they need most. Almost anywhere in California, a person must make more than 100k annually in order to afford a house anywhere in this city, and those bolstering our economy never get their fair share. Livermore, as long as I can remember, has been a town with an aging population; if the city does not take action, they will find that young people will have no reason to move here or establish roots. From what I have seen, the opposition to this plan oppose it out of fear of losing personal property value and/ or oppose it using racially charged language, citing "affordable housing" as a bad thing. The city would do good to ignore fear-mongering and proceed with the project. Although the Eden Housing Project is a small fix for a much bigger issue, it is a vital first step in the right direction.

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    Peggy Schimmelman over 3 years ago

    I support affordable housing, but I prefer the Save Our Downtown plan because it would provide even more housing for the same group of people, simply by moving the proposed development one block north. Additional benefits would be more parking and more open public space for the rest of us. This would be, as the mayor said before the election, a "win-win" scenario.

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    Kyoko Takayama over 3 years ago

    I live in South downtown off L St for close to 30 years. So I drive by the site all the time. I cannot wait to see these housing become a reality. They are great implementation of the downtown specific plan. We need to support people who work and live in Livermore to be able to stay in our beautiful city. The project will still give us considerable amount of space to create public space which can be enjoyed all the ages. I am also happy to see the traffic impact report concluding minimum increase in traffic. However I would love to see solar panels on these structures and electric charging connectivity to their parkings. It adds to original cost, but much less expensive than adding later. Hopefully there will be Federal funding to support them. Also the broadband cables should be built in. All of these are infrastructures we can not live without if the project will stay for 55 years. Thank you for your great job.