Meeting Time: April 12, 2021 at 7:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item


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    Melanie Kent almost 4 years ago

    The Draft Climate Action Plan needs corrections when did we as citizen give the government the right to tell us how to live.
    Most people that are fortunate to own a house in Livermore do not have an extra $75,000 to spend on electrification upgrades to their homes. Especially if your retired!
    You want everyone to use electricity for everything including cars but where and how are we producing more electricity in CA?
    Does no one remember the black outs last summer?
    Melanie Kent

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    Mark Accatino almost 4 years ago

    Totally oppose the CAP Draft Plan to force homeowners to retrofit their homes from natural gas to electric. So many issues with this; if folks want to do this voluntarily that is fine, but none of us should be forced to do this now, a year form now, or when we sell our homes. Also - why would the city even think about funding this?? If we have that kind of money then lower our taxes. Also I'm sure that this was being planned behind closed doors so that none of us really knew about it until it was too late. There are better options than this ridiculous proposal. Time to either dissolve the CAP committee or replace the members with folks who can look at reasonable options instead of jumping at shadows and imposing their own personal agendas. I look forward to your response. Regards, Mark Accatino

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    Roger Logan almost 4 years ago

    Draft Climate Action Plan is a fiscal train wreck. Needs course correction NOW.
    Problem is mandating $75,000 of electrification upgrades to EXISTING homes.

    At 7 Apr CAP Zoom Meeting I asked:
    Action: Mandates for existing homes ALL need to come out before next DRAFT. Susp 1 May 2021. These mandates cost $75,000 per homeowner, a prohibitive cost for many. It is also completely unnecessary to eradicate nat gas from existing homes. If you disagree, show me the math of the path from our 2 degrees C limit for the earth, to where USA homeowners need to give up natural gas in existing homes. Certainly you must have such an analysis.

    The CAP response: Sure there’s cost but the cost of NOT doing anything is (greater)?
    I repeated: Show me the math that justifies $75,000.

    There was no reply. Can you help the CAP through its time of crisis?
    It’s silly to ruin our economy with $75,000 mandates as China builds coal plants. USA can do its arable share without banning nat gas in homes.
    Dr RW Logan