Meeting Time: March 08, 2021 at 6:30pm PST
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Agenda Item


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    No Name Required by law almost 4 years ago

    I am opposed to the kaiserair development.

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    Mini Chopra almost 4 years ago

    The LVJUSD, in 2019, reported a count of 137 at-risk children in our public schools. Of these, 83 lived in overcrowded housing; 32 in temporary shelters; 20 in hotels / motels; and, 2 were unsheltered. (Source: City of Livermore,

    How do we stay motivated about investing in tax-funded public education, without being assured that all our community's children, no matter what economic strata they belong to, are being provided an equal and fair chance to a good future – a future that is only made possible with a consistent roof over and an integrated family support system.

    With visible income disparities, particularly during this pandemic, the only way to mitigate the gap between the haves and the have-nots in our city is by continuing to invest in the future of all our children and by ensuring that no single child is deprived of a stable way of life.

    Livermore's Eden Downtown Housing, therefore, is a promise of hope for our community's less privileged children.