Meeting Time: May 23, 2022 at 7:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

6.3) Resolution authorizing execution of an Amended and Restated Disposition, Development and Loan Agreement ("DDLA") with Eden Housing, Inc. for development of the Downtown Multi-family Housing Site, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the documents, agreements and specific authorities described in the DDLA.

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    angus stewart over 2 years ago

    I am a recent graduate living and working in Livermore. I do not like the current plan for the Eden apartment complex downtown. I think it will ruin the atmosphere that has drawn so many of our neighbors to move here. I am requesting that the City Council reject the new agreement with Eden Housing.

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    John Volkman over 2 years ago

    Four generations of my family have called Livermore home. We are very committed to the well-being of this community. We support additional housing but do not want the proposed Eden apartment complex in the middle of our beloved downtown. I have talked with friends and family about the current plan and have not heard one person say they like it. I am asking that the City Council reject the new agreement with Eden Housing and come up with a better one.

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    Sheryl Volkman over 2 years ago

    I am a lifelong Livermore resident and love my hometown. I and everyone I know, are unhappy with the current plan for the Eden apartment complex in the middle of our downtown. I respectfully request that the City Council REJECT the new proposed agreement with Eden Housing

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    Valerie Long over 2 years ago

    I support more housing for our city. However, I am asking that the City Council REJECT the new/amended DDLA with Eden Housing. We need to make our arrangement with Eden Housing make more sense. Please listen to the numerous citizens who have been asking that you consider improving the plan.

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    Deborah McQueen over 2 years ago

    We call on the City Council to reject this proposed agreement between the City and Eden Housing.
    The City’s leaders continue to ignore the majority of the community who have been vocal for years that a housing project is wrong for this important property in the very center of our downtown.
    Rather than think outside-the-box and come up with different affordable housing locations in the City, the City Council continues to insist that this site is the only option.
    • It makes no sense for the City to accelerate transferring the property to Eden when there is still a lawsuit pending challenging the City’s approval of this project.
    It also makes no sense for the City to loan Eden $7.8 million to acquire the property at a time when litigation could still bring the project to a halt.
    In fact, if the City loses the litigation and exercises its right to re-acquire the property, it will forfeit the entire $7.8 million plus an additional $500,000 for an earlier loan it made to Eden Housing

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    Marti Sutton over 2 years ago

    I support the Eden Housing project at its current site. The Tri-Valley needs more housing for our police officers, fire fighters, City workers, teachers and our local service providers which are nonprofit organizations. Many of the people that work for our local nonprofits have to commute from the central valley. These essential workers should have access to affordable housing in the area that they serve. This housing is located in a great place that is close to stores, restaurants, public transportation, Tr-Valley Haven's new food pantry and the new nonprofit service center CommonPoint. The opposition want to move Eden. This will not only delay the project for years but it is also wasting taxpayer money as the City has to constantly use taxpayer dollars to respond to these frivolous lawsuits. We cannot afford to waste anymore time or taxpayer dollars. Please support Eden because it benefits our community and those that serve our community.

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    Anne Loyola over 2 years ago

    Good Evening. My name is Anne Loyola, and I am writing in support of the Eden Housing Project.

    As a retiree from the education system and life-long Livermore resident, I understand and acknowledge the many benefits of this project. We need affordable housing located near public transit, resources, and services that support our community members. Combined with Stockman’s Park, the Science Center, Black Box Theater and proposed children’s playground, our entire community will enjoy a central location to enjoy, gather, learn and grow. There will never be a “perfect plan”, but this plan has been vetted with community input sessions, received majority support through a local ballot initiative and has funding from an Alameda County grant.

    It is time to move ahead with approval of the Eden Housing Project.

    Thank you.

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    Johnna Thompson over 2 years ago

    Democracy, it seems, is under attack not only nationally, but right here in our own city government. It's clear that your motive is to prevent a future council from being able to relocate the Eden project, even if a majority of the electorate wishes that to happen. It's a ruthlessly undemocratic effort to impose your will, regardless of the desires of the citizens. To me this shows a complete lack of integrity, which, sadly is becoming the norm for too many politicians That makes is no less deplorable.

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    Darin Lounds over 2 years ago

    Good evening, my name is Darin Lounds, Executive Director of Housing Consortium of the East Bay. I writing in support of the Resolution to execute the Amended and Restated Disposition, Development and Loan Agreement with Eden Housing, Inc. for the development of the Downtown Multi-famly Housing Site.

    The proposed development will provide much needed, affordable housing for low income families in the 20-60% area median income category, with a focus on serving low-income workers and their families.

    The location, in the heart of downtown, is proximate to amenities, including services of particular interest and value to the proposed tenant population. Some examples are the TriValley food pantry and Vineyard 2.0 resource center services, especially meals provided through Open Heart Kitchen, currently being developed nearby.

    Permanent housing paired with services allows families to stabilize, thrive and itnegrate into their neighborhood community.

    Thank you